Sunday Worship time is 10am each week
What do we do on Sunday mornings?
On Sunday, our community gathers with joy, reverence and purpose. This has been and still is, an essential part of church life.
We come to be a fellowship. We come to pray. We come to listen to and reflect on scriptures and sermons. We come to encourage one another to actions based on gospel values. We come to sing our faith and kindle the flame of God's love in our hearts.
Our preaching team brings considerable experience, knowledge, creativity, and wisdom to creating depth in the way we do our Sunday worship.
Whether you join us as a seeker, stranger, faithful member or friend, your presence expands our faith community and enriches the fellowship of our church. We welcome you in friendship and in faith, and no is left out.
Believers, atheists, agnostics, sceptics, - whoever searches for truth.
Women and men, folks of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
Those of all ethnicity and cultures.
Those of all classes and abilities.
Those who hope for a better world and those who struggle to find hope.
We welcome all people to join us in our community and worship life without insisting that they become like us to be acceptable.
We respond positively to all enquiries for baptisms. Christening a child is another term for the same thing. Anyone is welcome to be baptised or have their child baptised here. Baptism is available for children and for adults. Baptisms is conducted during the Sunday morning service (10 am). This journey begins with a conversation with the minister in charge in the first instance.
Immanuel Korean Methodist Church
The Immanuel Korean Methodist Church meets on Sunday afternoon at 1.00pm.
For further information please visit
For further information, please contact:
Parish Office
Phone: 09-4785107
Email: parishminister@trinitymethodist.org.nz